December 2023

  /  2023

I remember those days, when I was at my intermediate school.  We used to share money to go experience porn at an internet counter. was our hero. There were no porn-restricts or a scarcity of internet café’– (back in 2000’s), unlike today. The cabin of the internet café was so safe and secured that we all have enjoyed

I have a colleague, she is fabulous.  She smells rose unlike my wife, who smells fish (she cooks for me).  I love my work, and why I love – the reason – happiness (my colleague).  I spend eight hours daily in my office. I see her. We have food together.  Our loose talks and fun moments changed

I still remember that day, when I was arguing with my parents.  I had four back-papers on my engineering.  I told” Every tom dick and harry has an engineering, so why should I? The answer from my parents literally gave me jerk to think, they replied “Every tom dick and harry has an engineering degree, but you

I have never seen or experienced the phenomenon of god. I am born as a human being; so my conception of god had four hands, three eyes and even had a bull to ride upon. For some of them, their god was so beautiful like a model, who only knows to love their neighbors and forgive enemies. I had


Member of Oxford Photographic Society, learned the subtitles of the art of photography from his father who is a photojournalist from Kerala, a state of India. He specialized in Black and White Street Photography. At the very young age, Santhosh was exposed to photography equipment. At the age of 15 he bagged first place in photography at the YMCA annual photography exhibition. The following year, a second place was awarded for the annual exhibition. A bachelor’s in commerce, Santhosh still had the seeds of photography sowed in his mind which made him to continue pursing photography by watching his father’s works